Big Thanks to our 2nd Annual African Holiday Party Sponsors and attendees. We had a packed house with community members from the Central District and WSCACL Committee members enjoying our social event of the year! Big Thanks to PCC on Union Street for the generous gift cards and support of the American Holiday meal everyone enjoyed. TMobile on 23rd & Jackson and Starbucks in Leschi. The African History Trivia winners and December Birthday recipients loved their gifts. Big Thanks to the set up, clean up crew, all the hands that cooked the food, for the Kids Zone crew, and for making the Holiday Party the best party of 2022!

Our favorite “Miss USA” in the house! Only at a WSCACL party where the party don’t stop.

Andrew Ashiofu receiving his Holiday Gift

African Holiday Party 2022 Food Cooked by Joint Committee members

December Birthdays in the House!

The December Birthday Cupcake Candle Party

December Birthdays Cupcake Toast!

DJ Wole in the House!

ED Martha, Joint Committee Chair Sibo, Civic Engagement Co-Chair, Andrew Ashiofu

WSCACL Civic Engagement Co-Chair, Andrew Ashiofu receiving his WSCACL December Birthday Gift. Big Thanks to Brother Andrew for being a part of the set up crew and showing up to serve in the morning, afternoon, or night.