Evergreen Environmental Justice Youth Program
The EEJ Youth Program’s primary goals are to learn about various Environmental Justice (EJ) projects to train WSCACL’s EJ subgrantees how to practically execute their EJ projects and the urgency of mitigating the effects of climate change.
The EEJ Youth during their 6-9 month EJ program learn a designated EJ curriculum that culminates in their own EJ projects and work with local communities and partners to build marketable skills that can translate into clean energy and STEM career, certification or scholarship opportunities.
Recently, the EEJ Youth leaders and families worked with the Spokane Riverkeeper organization to learn about sacred homelands of the Spokane Tribe, Coeur d’Alene Tribe, Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Kalispel Tribe, and Nez Perce Tribe that have lived and cared for the Spokane River for many generations. The afternoon was spent removing trash and litter from along the river to protect the community and ecosystems that rely on the health of the water and fish.
For more information about the EEJ Youth program, contact Ezana Yassin, Youth Coach at [email protected]